Friday, June 19, 2015

Analyzing Our Survey Results

What we were trying to understand with the survey is what people do when planning vacations. We wanted to see what people like and dislike about vacations, and what pieces of planning a vacation they find important. 

The demographic questions didn't really help. They gave us a little more insight on where people may want to go based on interest but that is it. 

 What would you change, if you could, in your survey? What I would change about my survey is taking out the hobbies question in putting in the gender question. That would have been more helpful when comparing gender and where they wanted to go on vacation. 

Not really everyone liked the same places.

The question that told us the most was explain your most memorable vacation. It showed what types of vacation people really love and will remember for years to come. 

A summary about my results is that people like tropical vacation to Florida and the Caribbean. People will travel for any amount of time by plane and that people like things being done for them on vacation. 

I really liked using google forms. I really liked how it showed me all the data and then calculated it for me.

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